6th IFAD Registration Open
Special rate registration and Abstract submission now open
Join us in Antwerp, this year, the end of November (23-25) for the 6th International Fluid Academy Days (iFAD), a concise 3-day symposium on fluid management and organ function monitoring in the critically ill.
The best fluid is probably the one that has not been given (unnecessary) to the patient
We are very pleased to announce the 6th International Fluid Academy Days (iFAD), which will take place on November 23-25th 2017 at the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp, Belgium. The iFAD is an innovative Critical Care Educational meeting in true SMACC spirit. This conference provides the highest quality of Critical Care education and is guaranteed to innovate and inspire. Recent advances in fluid management, and hemodynamic and organ function monitoring in the critical care setting will be reviewed in a comprehensive manner for intensivists, anaesthesiologists and emergency physicians as well as interested internists and surgeons. The IFA website is now officially SMACC affiliated and HONcode certified.
The iFAD Faculty is the most provocative, engaging, motivating and inspiring group of international educational speakers and as organizing committee we want to ensure we have the participants, sponsors and endorsers to match. Together, we make iFAD stand apart from other Critical Care conferences.
- Meet and great with keynote speakers in the field of fluid therapy and organ function monitoring:
- Just to name a few: Martin Balik, Dominique Benoit, Christiaan Boerma, Karim Brohi, Pietro Caironi, Daniel Chappell, Jan De Waele, Paul Elbers, Ross Folliet, Luciano Gattinoni, Robert Hahn, Patrick Honoré, Eric Hoste, Can Ince, Olivier Joannes-Boyau, Ruth Kleinpell, Joris Lemson, Daniel Lichtenstein, Manu Malbrain, Paul Marik, Marcia McDougall, Zsolt Molnar, Xavier Monnet, Monty Mythen, Azriel Perel, Jan Poelaert, Sebastian Rehberg, Annika Reintam-Blaser, Daniel Reuter, Thomas Scheeren, Mervyn Singer, Joel Starkopf, Fabio Taccone, Bernard van den Berg, Niels Van Regenmortel, Jean-Louis Vincent, Adrian Wong, Tom Woodcock,... and many more
- Just to name a few: Martin Balik, Dominique Benoit, Christiaan Boerma, Karim Brohi, Pietro Caironi, Daniel Chappell, Jan De Waele, Paul Elbers, Ross Folliet, Luciano Gattinoni, Robert Hahn, Patrick Honoré, Eric Hoste, Can Ince, Olivier Joannes-Boyau, Ruth Kleinpell, Joris Lemson, Daniel Lichtenstein, Manu Malbrain, Paul Marik, Marcia McDougall, Zsolt Molnar, Xavier Monnet, Monty Mythen, Azriel Perel, Jan Poelaert, Sebastian Rehberg, Annika Reintam-Blaser, Daniel Reuter, Thomas Scheeren, Mervyn Singer, Joel Starkopf, Fabio Taccone, Bernard van den Berg, Niels Van Regenmortel, Jean-Louis Vincent, Adrian Wong, Tom Woodcock,... and many more
- Meet and great with the biggest, the best, the most entertaining, the most educative, the funniest Social Media (SoMe) team ever seen on a scientific meeting: Just to name a few:
- Duncan Chambler (@DuncanChambler), Jan De Waele (@criticcaredoc, @janjdewaele), Thomas Dolven (@thomas1973); Jonathan Downham (@ccpractitioner), Ross Folliet (@ffolliet), Justin Kirk-Bayley (@PARADicmSHIFT), Aidan Kingwill, David Lyness (@gas_craic), Cian McDermott (@cianmcdermott), Manu Malbrain (@Fluid_Academy, @Manu_Malbrain), Matthew Morgan (@Matrix_Mania), Segun Olusanya (@iceman_ex), Brendan Riordan (@concernecus), Matthew Rowland (@matthewjrowland), Gorki Sacher (@GorkiS), Stephen Shepherd (@sj_shepherd), Willem Stockman (@AnesthCritCare, @willemstockman), Jamie Strachan (@strachanjamie), Tamas Szakmany (@iamyourgasman), Jonny Wilkinson (@wilkinsonjonny), Adrian Wong (@avkwong, @WICSBottomLine), Tom Woodcock (@thomaswoodcock)
Members of endorsing societies receive 20% discount
Furthermore, as a registered iFA member you gain extra benefits in addition to FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education)
- FREE lifetime membership
- Reduced registration rates on future iFAD meetings
- Reduced registration rates on future iFAD workshops
- Access to Social Community and discussion forum
- Reduced rates on webshop items (books, DVD’s, goodies)
- Early access to new publications (PPT, PDF, video, photos)
What ’s in the program and registration at a glance for 2017?
We have taken all your feedback into consideration and planned for:
- Another massive day of workshops with a focus on stewardhsip, not to be missed sitting on the first row with the experts on Thursday, 23rd Nov 2017 (WORKSHOPS):
- Antibiotic stewardship (De Waele, Taccone, Spapen, Elbers)
- Nutrition stewardship (Starkopf, Reintam-Blaser, De Waele)
- Fluid stewardship (Lobo, Mc Dougall)
- Sepsis stewardship (Marik, Singer, Gattinoni, Rehberg)
- How to understand the glycocalix (Ince, Woodcock)
- How to talk like TED (Morgan, Fisher, Boerma)
- Social Media, FOAM and Critical Care (Morgan, Wong, Chambler, Mc Dermott)
- Hemodyanmic workshop (beginners and advanced)(Lemson, Monnet, Reuters)
- Medical statistics for dummies (Gattinoni, Benoit)
- A 4th and even better CACU, Course on Acute Care Ultrasound with separate modules for beginners and advanced that can be combined on 23rd Nov 2016 (4th CACU)(Wong, Balik) - If you book a full day of workshops you get an extra 25% discount
- The possibility to submit a scientific abstract on any broad ICU topic for poster or oral presentation with an international jury of experts (ABSTRACT SUBMISSION)
- A plenary and parallel sessions format only featuring the best of the best (PROGRAM)!
- You can download the full program draft here (DOWNLOAD PDF)
- The most incredible venue: the Hilton Belle Epoque Ballroom (VENUE)!
- Fabulous accommodation deals which are always essential as Antwerp is a busy city (ACCOMMODATION)
- A bigger and better IFAD gala evening (SOCIAL PROGRAM)
The following accreditation has been granted:
- Belgian accreditation
- Dutch accreditation
- European accreditation: 6th IFAD has been granted 19 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)
Important dates
- Early Bird closing (upon availability as seats are limited): July 1st
- Special Rate closing: Sep 1st
- Standard Rate closing: Nov 1st
- Online Registration closing: Nov 15th
- Abstract Submission deadline: Oct 15th
- Abstract Acceptance notification: within one week after submission
In view of the upcoming 6th International Fluid Academy Days (iFAD) we need your opinion on some hot topics regarding sepsis, fluid resuscitation and hemodynamic montoring.
Download the Official Whova IFA App for iPhone (App Store) and Android (Google Play). You'll be able to:
- View the event agenda and plan your schedule.
- Plan ahead whom to meet at the event by browsing attendee profiles in advance.
- Send in-app messages and exchange contact info.
- Find attendees with common affiliations, education, shared networks and social profiles.
- Receive (programme) update notifications from organizers.
- Access agenda, GPS guidance, maps, and parking directions.
After downloading, sign up on Whova with the email address that you used to RSVP for our event, or sign up using your social media accounts. If you are asked to enter an invitation code to join the event, please use the following invitation code: IFAD2017