Affiliated websites
The next generation of anaesthetic logbook
AnaestheticsApp is the next generation of logbook that links your cases to the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) curriculum, relevant journal articles and exam questions. It is the first anaesthetic logbook that specifically focuses on education and exam revision. Our forms are designed to allow fast data entry and only show procedures relevant to the chosen speciality. Logbook reports can be printed and are compliant with the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). An integrated paediatric calculator helps to reduce drug errors. Our Progressive Web App uses the newest web technologies to allow offline use on phones, tablets and laptops. The app is free to use and can be installed directly from your browser (requires Google Chrome 68, Microsoft Edge 17 or Apple Safari on iOS 11.3).
Created in 2001, is the first platform referencing and promoting medical events. is also a directory listing of websites, sites and companies providing the event. The site offers publishing tools allowing members to announce, reference, share, broadcast content moderated and validated by the team of in the field of health, (Congress, Congress exhibition venues, event service providers, medical providers,...). Under "News" has become a directory of content aggregation and distribution of information. "RSS (Really Simple Syndication)" is the new standard for exchange of content. It is performed by a professional team in partnership with (French version). The ambition of writing is to inform users and professionals independently with great attention to quality and reliability. The editorial team runs, detects, moderates, validates and distribute all the contents on social network and partner websites. For communication without borders ! Thank you for your attention and loyalty. ** is totally free**
Critical Care Northampton
Proud disseminating the great work of others
Critical Care Northampton is an online resource for all that is FOAMed / FOAMcc and of course POCUS. We have an ever expanding following with a growing team and provide weekly updates on what is big and being talked about within Critical Care. Our other aim is to provide a wealth of useful resources; to download, learn from and teach with. We also feature regular blogs on hot topics / areas of controversy welcoming guest publishers. We pride ourselves in disseminating the great work of others, whether web based or not, and continue to expand this network so others may benefit from it. The International Fluid Academy is just one of those links we are very proud to have.
Critical Care Practitioner
As I learn you learn too
My name is Jonathan Downham and I am an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner in Warwick, UK.
I have worked in Critical Care for over 20 years now and have learned many things whilst there. This site has some of my teaching resources, podcasts and videos for anyone else to benefit from.
If you want to follow me on Twitter then look for @ccpractitioner. I am very active on there and it is the best way to get in touch with me quickly.
Critical Care Reviews
Promoting Open Access to Scientific Advancement
The ultimate aim of this site is to provide a single structured resource for accessing scientific advancement in the field of critical care. This is primarily provided via links to open access articles from across the entire medical literature. In addition to many mainstream journals providing open access to their published articles, either immediately or after a period of time, many journals less familiar to intensivists also publish freely available articles. In keeping with the modern development of open access journals, links to many of whom are provided, this website aims to enable visitors freely access important scientific advances within the speciality. Links to freely accessible podcasts and vodcasts, many from from major international meetings, are also available. Each week a specific topic is chosen for review and is displayed in "This Week's Papers". A featured article on this topic is presented daily in the the "Paper of the Day" section and provides an easy way to stay up-to-date with current developments in critical care. In a similar manner, recent publications from the major journals are highlighted in the "Journal Watch" section and a newsletter containing the week's developments in critical care is emailed to all registered users weekly. All papers are handpicked from across the spectrum of medical and scientific literature and are available from the publisher without charge. These articles can alternatively be accessed via search engines such as Google Scholar or PubMed. Articles are not stored on this website and all traffic is directed to the journal's website from where files are accessed. Due to the size of the critical care literature it will take a long time before most major topics are covered. If there are specific papers you wish to see added please email me and I can update the site accordingly. Similarly, if any broken links are found please let me know. Through the "Paper of the Day" facility, all areas of critical care will be focused upon in turn, enabling incomplete topics to be completed.
Emirates Critical Care Conference
International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The success of the 15th Anniversary of the Emirates Critical Care Conference has thoroughly been an Inspiring Journey followed by the 16th edition of Hybrid Emirates Critical Care Conference series in 2020 during the challenging COVID 19 Pandemic. Our heartfelt thanks to our Patron H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, UAE Minister of Finance, President of the Dubai Health Authority, United Arab Emirates for their support and confidence in this conference, leading towards technology advancement in the field of critical care in the country.
I take this opportune honour to announce the 2021 Hybrid Conference in June this year the “17th Emirates Critical Care Conference” & the “16th World Federation of the Critical Care Nurses world congress” on 18th & 19th June 2021, at Intercontinental Hotel, Event Centre, Dubai Festival City, UAE.
On behalf of the International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society (IPACCMS), World Federation of Critical Care Nurses Congress (WFCCN), Emirates Nursing Association – Critical Care Nurses Association (ENS – CCN) and InfoPlus Events L.L.C (IPE), I welcome and invite our audience the opportunity to once again join and participate this Hybrid Conference, which will run Virtually as well as Onsite.
Today, the world faces this challenging time with the ongoing COVID -19 Pandemic, yet we remain hopeful and positive. We successfully adapted to Virtual and Hybrid conference structure and stay committed to deliver our vision. ECCC has successfully hosted the 16th edition - 3 Hybrid Emirates Critical Care Conference series for our audience under the theme “The COVID -19 Pandemic Experiences and Lessons Learned: Organs Involvement” during the last quarter of 2020. We look forward to your support and participation.
The conference will be organized by the InfoPlus Events and supported by Dubai Health Authority – DHA and patronage by the Sheikh Hamdan Award for Medical Sciences – SHAMS.
In conjunction with the Hybrid conference, exhibition shall be held virtually as well as onsite following the government norms of social distancing whereby, the leading companies from the industry exhibit their products and equipment’s from countries around the globe and get the opportunity to experience the display of the latest medical technologies available.
I would also like to make special mention of the tremendous support received from international and World Federations such as WFSICCM, WFCCN, WFPICCS, EISCM, GSA, NCS, IFA, WSACS, ENA-CCN, ASA, AFCCN, ANZICS, EUSEM, GNEM who have always been strong supporters and collaborators of the conference since time immemorial. Also, not to forget other prominent societies as well who are part of the ECCC such as CCCS, SSC, TSCCM, TSIC, TDCY, ESICT, SLSCCEM, NSCCM, OSACC, JSICM, LSCCM and many others with whom we continue our partnership. We are also happy to receive the participation and support of the UAE Medical Colleges and Universities.
More information on website
We hope this remarkable event will benefit all professionals and colleagues alike in the field of Critical care.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hussain Nasser Al Rahma
Chairman, Emirates Critical Care Conference (ECCC)
President, International Pan-Arab Critical Care Medicine Society (IPACCMS)
Board member Emirates Resuscitation Council
Head of Directorate, Emergency & Critical Care Services,
Al Zahra Hospital Dubai – (AZHD) Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Fluids (MDPI)
An Open Access Journal on Fluids
Fluids (ISSN 2311-5521) is an open access journal, which provides an advanced forum for studies on fluid dynamic theory and its applications, and fluid simulation, modeling and experimentation in chemical, physical and biological processes. Our aim is to publish state-of-the-art papers, including original research papers, reviews, case reports, as well as technical notes and meeting reports. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
Fluids is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). MDPI takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. MDPI takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously and our editors are trained to proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications. MDPI works with Publons to provide reviewers with credit for their work.
Free education on ECMO
#ECMO educational posts by Velia Marta Antonini (@Foamecmo, relevant papers (#FOAM as possible!) & live contributions from extracorporeal support #ECLS related meetings...
for HCP only!
To facilitate the rapid adoption of clinical education into clinical practice in order to improve patient outcomes.

Global physicians and healthcare professionals have been participating in our digital activities for over 15 years to acquire new clinical skills, test their knowledge, and improve their practice of medicine.
We carefully design interactive activities to challenge and address the unmet educational needs of your peers within the medical community. All activities are delivered in multiple formats, which can be consumed quickly, at any time, from any place, and on any device on a proven platform which professionals trust.
PeerVoice is a provider of independent medical education developed in concert with leading experts from around the world. Some activities are also certified for continuing medical education (CME) credits by a European accrediting body.
Propofology is an UK based, international project created out of the desire to advance FOAMed (Free Open Access to Medical Education) to everyone involved in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine. The website focuses on delivering ‘infograms’, or small graphic tutorials on topics pertinent to these fields; aiming to distill complicated topics into short ‘bytes'. There are over one hundred infographics to peruse and learn from as well as a medical student section, opinion articles and signposts. There is also an expanding collection of YouTube videos, so be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel to keep up to date! The content is disseminated on Twitter to the #FOAMed network and is particularly useful not only for those practicing in anaesthesia and critical care, but also individuals revising for specialty and medical school examinations.
Social Media and Critical Care
SMACC is a FOAMed charity that promotes education and knowledge sharing in Critical Care. They also host an epic conference! SMACC (Social Media and Critical Care) is a health promotion charity. It is based on the philosophy of FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education – #FOAMed). The organising committee gives their time freely and receives no financial benefit. This in part explains the wonderful passions for philanthropy, sharing, education and innovation that make this critical care community so unique.
SMACC has seen spectacular growth since its humble beginnings. The Conference has grown from an enthusiastic idea into a global leader amongst critical care events. Whilst SMACC is primarily a high quality, academic meeting, the real reason behind this growth is the enormous and inspiring energy of the critical care community itself. SMACC crosses traditional hierarchies, professional barriers and international borders. It is a community that is centered on the pursuit of excellence in patient care and a passion for sharing this as widely as possible.
The Bottom Line
Stay tuned with the latest publications
Welcome to The Bottom Line (TBL). This site has been built to create a compendium of all the landmark papers which are shaping the way we manage our critically ill patients. Each paper has been summarised and critiqued using a standard template and ends with a 'bottom line' paragraph to allow a quick reminder of the key points. The papers are reviewed and cross checked by the editorial group. We take this seriously and spend time getting it accurate and as helpful for our readers as possible. If you think we have got it wrong, please let us know or use it as a discussion in the comments section. The main value of this site is the discussion of these papers and the contribution of the global FOAM community. We hope you enjoy!
The Wessex Intensive Care Society (WICS)
Advancing medical practice
The Wessex Intensive Care Society (WICS) was established in the 1980's. It has rapidly developed into a society which brings together intensive care health professionals across the Wessex region.
Our aim is to advance medical practice within our intensive care units and hospitals and provide supportive training and quality education.