Social Media and Critical Care
SMACC is a FOAMed charity that promotes education and knowledge sharing in Critical Care. They also host an epic conference! SMACC (Social Media and Critical Care) is a health promotion charity. It is based on the philosophy of FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education – #FOAMed). The organising committee gives their time freely and receives no financial benefit. This in part explains the wonderful passions for philanthropy, sharing, education and innovation that make this critical care community so unique.
SMACC has seen spectacular growth since its humble beginnings. The Conference has grown from an enthusiastic idea into a global leader amongst critical care events. Whilst SMACC is primarily a high quality, academic meeting, the real reason behind this growth is the enormous and inspiring energy of the critical care community itself. SMACC crosses traditional hierarchies, professional barriers and international borders. It is a community that is centered on the pursuit of excellence in patient care and a passion for sharing this as widely as possible.
Partner type
This partner supported the following IFAD meetings:
- IFAD 2017