First #IFADmini Fluid Academy Day in India
Everything you need to know about fluid therapy (#IFAD2018 #IFADmini)
Intravenous fluids are arguably the most commonly used (and abused) drugs in a hospitalized patients. Information about the use of IV Fluids is scanty, not based on robust clinical data, mostly opinion based. Prescription of IV Fluids is often a neglected topic. Let us ask ourselves. Before prescribing IV Fluid do we think of the indication - Resuscitation, maintenance or replacement? Do we think of the possible physiological effects of the drug on this particular patient - a critically ill patient with pain may be high AVP level? Do we think of the contraindications? Do we think of its adverse effects? Do we think of dealing with the consequences of these adverse effects? Dear colleague let us spread the awareness about IV Fluid therapy to medical fraternity and prevent possible abuse of these useful drugs.
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