Key program topics
Written by Administrator. Posted in IFAD 2017
- Resuscitation fluids
- Maintenance fluids
- Replacement fluids
- Crystalloids vs colloids
- Balanced vs unbalanced
- Summary of recent big fluid trials
- The 4 D's of fluids therapy (drug - dose - duration - deescalation)
- The R.O.S.E. concept (resuscitation - optimisation - stabilisation - evacuation)
- The role for albumin
- Blood products and substitutes
- The microcirculation and the glycocalix
- De-resuscitation
- Hemorrhagic shock and trauma
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Calibrated vs uncalibrated CO
- Goal directed therapy
- Sepsis definitions
- Volumetric vs barometric preload
- Organ function monitoring
- ARDS definitions
- EIT and EVLWI monitoring
- Future directions
- Perioperative management
- Social Media, medical technology, information and decision systems