Dr. Anders Perner

Anders Perner, MD 1993, PhD 2001, Specialist in anaes-thesia and intensive care 2004, European Diploma in Intensive Care 2009. He is senior staff specialist in Inten-sive Care, Rigshospitalet since 2007, Professor in Intensive Care Medicine, University of Copenhagen since 2012, Chair of Scandinavian Critical Care Trials Group since 2008 and Section editor at Intensive Care Medicine since 2013. His major research interest is clinical research in critically ill patients. Thus he currently chair the Scandinavian Critical Care Trials Group and the strategic research programme ‘New resuscitation strategies in patients with severe sepsis’. The program is ongoing and will randomize 2000 patients with severe sepsis in 3 RCTs of resuscitation in 30 ICUs in all the Nordic countries. The first RCT, the 6S trial has been published and the second, the TRISS trial, is ongoing and on track.