Dr. Brohi Karim

Karim Brohi is Head of the LondonTIER, Professor of Trauma Sciences in the Blizard Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Consultant Trauma & Vascular Surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust. He is also director of the North East London & Essex Trauma Network. Karim Brohi is Professor of Trauma Sciences at Queen Mary, University of London and Consultant Vascular & Trauma Surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust. The Royal London Hospital is the United Kingdom's flagship Major Trauma Centre and home to both civilian and military partners, all committed to maximising the impact of research and education in Trauma Sciences. Prof Brohi’s research interests cover the breadth of trauma sciences - from the acute damage response of the body to trauma, through all phases of trauma care from pre-hospital to rehabilitation and health services research. Fundamental research activity focuses upon trauma-associated coagulopathy (i.e. clotting abnormalities) & massive transfusion, trauma patient outcomes, systems biology and complexity analysis of trauma critical care. Professor Brohi founded the trauma.org web site and the ‘Trauma-list’ international discussion group in 1995 to provide free, open access trauma education and information to doctors and other healthcare providers around the world, and to provide a community forum for consultations and advice on patient care and current practice. TRAUMA.ORG was one of the first medical web sites on the Internet and is currently the largest and most active specialty medical web site, providing a continuous international forum for the discussion of trauma care issues and for global trauma consultation.