Dr. Ince Can

Professor Dr Can Ince is a physiologist who heads the Department of Translational Physiology at the Academic Medical Center (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam.
In addition Professor Ince is a part-time staff member (40%) of the Department of Intensive Care of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam (head Prof. Jan Bakker). Together with his team he conducts both experimental and clinical research directed at cardiovascular aspects of peri-operative medicine. Research topics include clinical microcirculation research in intensive care, cardiothoracic surgery and anesthesiology, blood transfusion, fluid resuscitation, sepsis, shock and resuscitation, acute renal failure, oxygen transport to tissue and mitochondrial function. In addition the experimental and clinical medical technology research related to the afore-mentioned topics is carried out. Prior to his current position he was professor of Experimental Anesthesiology at the Department of Anesthesiology as well as Prof of Cell Physiology at the AMC. Before going to the AMC (1993) he was associate professor at the University Hospital of Rotterdam at the Intensive Care Unit of the Department of General Surgery (head prof. HA Bruining). Prior to that he had worked at the Dept. of Infectious Diseases (University Hospital Leiden) for some ten years on immunological research. He has a PhD degree in Immunology/Cell physiology from that University as well as degrees in electrical and electronic engineering (BSc University of Birmingham (UK), MSc Information Theory Technical University of Delft (Netherlands). Prof Ince is past-president of the Dutch Physiological Society, former chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Netherlands Society for Intensive Care Medicine and past-president of the International Society of Oxygen Transport to Tissue. He is member of the Hemodynamics Working Group and of the Medical Technology Assessment Working group of the European Society for Intensive Care Medicine. He is on the editorial boards of several journals and has organized several international conferences, the latest of which was the 2011 Functional Hemodynamics and Fluid Therapy International Symposium in Istanbul Turkey (see www.microcirculation-research.org/istanbul). He has authored close to 300 scientific peer reviewed papers.