Dr. Forni Lui

Dr Forni is Professor and Consultant in intensive care at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Originally a physical chemist Professor Lui Forni subsequently trained at St George's Hospital Medical School before commencing medical training at the London Postgraduate Medical Schools. Registrar Training was at St Thomas' followed by ICU and Nephrology training at St Thomas' and St George's. He was a consultant Intensivist/Nephrologist at the Western Sussex Hospitals Trust for over 10 years before moving to his current post as Professor of intensive care medicine at the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Research interests include pre-operative assessment of high risk surgical candidates, renal replacement therapy, diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment of acute kidney injury and predictive modeling in acute medical admissions. He has been an advisor for NCEPOD and was a founder member of the ESICM AKI group being elected chair of the section in 2013. He lectures nationally and internationally and has published widely. When not at work he is to be found trying to sail whilst bemoaning the performances of Tottenham Hotspur.