Dr. Guy Vermeiren

MD. FESC. (°19.09.1972). Dr Vermeiren graduated from Antwerp University in1997 as physician and in 2004 as Cardiologist, sub-speciallised in Intensive Care Medicine. After a 6 year residency in the ZNA Stuivenberg ICU, he accepted a position of Cardiologist – Intensive Care Phy-sician at the Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital in Goes, The Netherlands. Currently he is working as cardiologist at Caruro, ZorgSaam Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Terneuzen in The Netherlands. Under the supervision of Prof. P. Jorens, he did his research work on neutrophil activation in the reperfusion –ischemia syndrome. During the residency in ZNA Stuivenberg he participated in the research regarding the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome and was an active member of the Ethics Committee.