Dr. Karim Asehnoune

Karim Asehnoune got his degree as MD in 1999 At Uni-versity René Descartes Paris, France. After completing his PhD in immunology in 2001, he spent one year in the lab of Edward Abraham in Denver, USA (2002). He was appointed Professor of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine in the University of Nantes in 2009. Professor Asehnoune is the head of the Anaesthesiology department of Hospital Hotel-Dieu, and the director of the 30-bed surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University hospital of Nantes, France. He is currently member of the scientific committee of the French Society of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, and the director of a French network of ICUs (www.ATLANREA.org). Professor Asehnoune was involved as the coordinator of several multi-centre trials, and he is the director of a lab dedicated to the study of host-pathogen interactions (http://www.ea3826.univ-nantes.fr/). His main focuses of interests are pulmonary complications, and immunode-pression-induced pneumonia after brain injuries. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles.