Dr. Kaufman David

Director, Medical ICU, NYU-Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA. Fellow of the ACCP since 2008. Editorial board member, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Department of Critical Care, 2011. I have the training, expertise, experience and motivation to carry out the proposed research successfully. I have a broad knowledge of critical care medicine and experience in recruiting subjects successfully for similarly-structured trials. As a site PI on NIH-funded research projects, my team and I have successfully enrolled subjects and collected sound data regarding their outcomes, including long-term data on functional outcomes. I have overseen the construction of tools that are embedded in our Epic electronic medical record (EMR) that facilitate the rapid identification of candidates for prospective trials. These tools allow the research team to approach candidate patients early, resulting in the ability to obtain informed consent for research in time-sensitive study protocols. My participation in several multi-center projects has yielded well-regarded and frequently-cited publications. As a result of my previous experiences, I am conscious of the importance of close coordination with the primary study center and among study members in building and utilizing a feasible and scientifically rigorous research plan. The proposed multi-center research on utilization of low-tidal volume ventilation fits logically with previous work I have done, including a randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial on prevention of ARDS in at-risk individuals. It is also closely related to a quality improvement project I supervised, whose results were presented recently at a national meeting [“Prompting to reduce the use of excessive tidal volume mechanical ventilation for adults,” Chest 2015;148:315A.]