Dr. MacDougall Marcia

Dr. Marcia McDougall, is Fluid Lead for NHS Fife, consultant in Anaesthetics and Clinical Lead for Intensive Care at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. She became interested in fluid prescribing after hearing Professor Dileep Lobo speak about the subject in 2008. She led the introduction of NHS Fife Guidelines for Intravenous Fluid and Electrolyte Prescription in May 2012, based on the GIFTASUP Guidelines and later the NICE Guidelines for Intravenous Fluid Therapy in Adults in Hospital. The Fife guidelines are now being adopted by several other Scottish hospitalsand the principles are being taught in Edinburgh and St. Andrews University Medical Schools. Marcia is currently studying the effects on patients’ biochemistry of the change in fluid prescribing in Fife. She employed Scotland’s first Quality Improvement Nurse for Fluid Management in 2013. Marcia is a member of the Acute Kidney Injury Expert Reference Group for Health Improvement Scotland’s Patient Safety Programme.