Dr. Molnar Zsolt

Prof. Dr. Zsolt Molnar has been the head of department of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, University of Szeged in Hungary, since 2009.
He has published extensively in the area of critical care medicine. His main research interests are: sepsis related haemodynamic changes, fluid therapy, markers of inflammation, and oxygen debt and perioperative intensive care. Ha has been a regular invited speaker on large international, regional and national conferences all over Europe and overseas as well, with almost 100 lectures over the last 5 years. His total impact factor is >150, with a citation index of >450 at present.
He has extensive international relationships, which resulted in several publications and other collaborative works. He is a member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. He is also a member of the intensive care subcommittee of the ESA.
He has been reviewing for most leading journals in intensive care medicine and anesthesiology for several years. He is also the member of the editorial board of several international journals. He has published extensively in critical care Up to 2016, I published 98 mnuscripts (43 originals), with a total impact factor of 146, independent citation index of 680 and a Hirsch-index of 17.
One of his most important initiatives is the organization of a Central and Eastern European conference, called SepsEast (www.sepseast2016.com).