Dr. Pirotte Thierry

Thierry is Pediatric Anesthesiologist at the Cliniques universitaires St Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain (Brussels). He has a special interest for: Vascular access, Ultrasonography, Neonatal Anesthesia, Liver Transplant. He has placed over 120 pediatric CVC insertions / year since 2002. He is a frequent national and international lecturer and reviewer on Vascular Access in adults and children. Vice President of the Belgian Association for Pediatric Anesthesia (BAPA). Board member of the Belgian Society of Anesthesia and Reanimation (SBAR). Board member of the Belgian Vascular Access Network (BeVANet).Course director of the « Vascular Access in Children » course in Luton (UK). Publications (20); Chapter of Books (5); Abstracts – Posters (13); Presentations at congress: national (62), international (67); Instructor for Workshops: national (49), international (59); Multicentric Studies (5).