Dr. Sacher Gorki

Gorki Sacher is a consultant in Critical Care, Anaesthetics and Pain medicine. He is currently working as a locum consultant in Berlin and lecturing at the Charité Health Academy, Berlin. He is co-organising InProSim©, an interprofessional simulation course for paramedic students, nurse students and medical students, with the aim to improve the communication skills between the different professions. Out of interest for communication skills he is currently studying clinical hypnosis at the Milton Erickson Institute Berlin. As there is still very few #foamed content in German available he launched www.dasfoam.org with colleagues in spring 2017.
Among his special interests are teaching lung and abdominal ultrasound for intensive care and emergency medicine, cardiac ultrasound to evaluate the critical ill patient, conservative pain medicine, integration of hypnotechnics into the daily work on the ICU, OR and pain medicine, clinical communication skills, crisis resource management (CRM) and simulation training.