Dr. Schoonheydt Karen

Karen Schoonheydt graduated from the Catholic University Leuven in 1998. She currently works as anaesthetist intensivist at the Intensive Care Unit and High Care Burn Unit of the Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, ZNA Stuivenberg in Antwerp, Belgium together with Manu Malbrain, Inneke De laet, Niels Van Regenmortel and Hilde Dits. She is responsible for the hyperbaric oxygen therapy department. Her major points of interest are enteral and parenteral nutrition and the prevention of malnutrition. She is head of the hospital nutrition team and actively participates in the Pain and Sedation Comite and the Comité of Hospital Hygiene and infection prevention. She is currently working on the hospital nutrition guidelines and a screening tool to assess nutritional status.