Dr. Sepot Philip

Philip Sepot graduated from the Catholic University Leuven in 1998. He currently works as anaesthetist at the Department of Anaesthesia of the Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, ZNA Stuivenberg in Antwerp, Belgium. After graduation in anaesthesiology in 2007, Philip Sepot further specialised in emergency medicine. In 2008 he started at ZNA Stuivenberg Hospital in Antwerp as anaesthesiologist and emergency physician. In both disciplines his interest in ultrasound grew and he specialized in Point-of-Care-Ultrasound (POCUS). He followed several courses on ultrasound: eFAST, Basic FATE, AAA. In the theatre he uses the ultrasound for peripheral nerve blocks. Philip Sepot is also a member of the educational board of campus Vesta, the provincial school for paramedics. In his spare time he is an active member of the voluntary fire department of Zoersel, a small town near Antwerp.