Dr. Van Regenmortel Niels

Niels Van Regenmortel (°1976) qualified as MD in 2001 at Antwerp University; in 2006 he Board certified in Internal Medicine and in 2007 he was Board certified in Intensive Care Medicine. Since 2007 he is Staff member Intensive Care Department – ZNA Stuivenberg – Antwerp, Belgium. In 2009 he was Lecturer of the course “Biomedical and nursing approach of metabolic disturbances” in the Bachelor after bachelor program Nursing in Intensive Care and Emergency Care – Artesis University, Antwerp, Belgium. Niels is actually working as an internist-intensivist on the 12 bed medical intensive care unit of the Stuivenberg Hospital in Antwerp. His special interest lies in acid-base analysis and the effects of fluid management on the human acid-base status. He is a strong advocate of the physicochemical explanation of these effects, introduced by Peter Stewart, and of the deleterious effects of fluid overload. He regularly gives local and international lectures about this topic and will start a research project on the subject in collaboration with the University Hospital of Antwerp in 2014.