Dr. Verwiel Jeroen

Dr. Jeroen Verwiel is internist-intensivist and assistant professor at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen in The Netherlands. He is Staff Member and consultant in Intensive Care since 1999. He is conducting several educational programs for intensive care physicians and intensive care nurses in the past 15 years. He is involved in the use and improvement of renal replacement techniques in his 48 beds counting academic intensive care departement. He is also involved in the use of the Prismaflex CRRT machine to use it as CO2 removal device.
Furthermore Jeroen is SCEN physician and teacher. SCEN stands for Support and Consultancy in Euthanasia in the Netherlands. He was a cowriter of the practical guideline of euthanasia in the Netherlands. Last but not least he is involved in improving the transportation of critically ill patiënts in the Netherlands (Mobile Intensive Care Unit).