Dr. Stockman Willem

Willem Stockman was born in 1966 and graduated as MD at the Catholic University of Louvain in 1991. He is married to Sofie Dewaele and has 5 children. He trained as an anesthesiologist at UZ Gasthuisberg, Louvain and at the Mass. General Hospital in Boston. Then, he subspecialized in Intensive and Critical Care Medicine in UZ Gasthuisberg. In 1997 he joined the staff of the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care at the H.-Hart Hospital in Roeselare, Belgium, a hospital that is now merging with the Stedelijk Ziekenhuis Roeselare to the new AZ Delta Hospital. Willem’s main interests are in the broad field of Critical Care. He believes their should be a continuity of high level of care in the resuscitation of critically ill patients enclosing prehospital care, interhospital transport, emergency room care, early detection of deteriorating patients on hospital wards, OR care, intensive care and (sometimes) end-of-life care. CPR is one of his interests. He is co-producer of a didactic movie on CPR (see www.CPR112.be). In recent years he became an adept of critical care ultrasound and believes it is an essential bedside tool for managing critically ill patients and guiding invasive procedures. He has lectured on critical care ultrasound on several national meetings. He twitters Anesthesia, Critical Care and Health Care related news and topics on his Twitter account Anesthesia&CritCare.