Dr. Wise Robert

Dr Rob Wise graduated from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and worked both locally and abroad where he gained experience in a variety of disciplines. He specialised in Anaesthesiology, where he was also awarded a Masters in Medicine. He then subspecialised in Critical Care Medicine and is currently completing a PhD. He is currently working as the Head of Clinical Unit for Critical Care at Edendale Hospital, Pietermaritzburg (South Africa), and is involved in the Southern African Critical Care Society, an executive member of the South African Peri-Operative Research Group, and an ambassador for the World Society of Abdominal Compartment in South Africa. He has particular interests in intraabdominal hypertension, intravenous fluids, acute kidney injury, data collection/ systems management, professionalism in the workplace, and innovation in resource-poor areas. Projects include establishing a South African national critical care database system, broadening the exposure of a non-clinical professional skills development programme for young doctors, and the “Saving Blood, Saving Lives Project” that has won both national and international awards.