Welcome to the first issue of Fluids in 2013: Do we really need another critical care journal?
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Manu L.N.G. MalbrainAbstract/Text
If you are reading this editorial, you are "looking" at the first issue of Fluids in 2013, yet another international critical care journal you may think. Is this really the case? We are very excited to present you this issue of Fluids with the meeting report of the lOth Annual Critical Care Symposium (ACCS, www.critcaresymposium.co.uk) held in Manchester at the Palace Hotel on April 2Sth-26th and organised by Dr Veerappan Chithambaran from the The Pennine Acute Hospitals, NHS Trust. In this issue you can find the proceedings of the invited lectures together with the abstracts of the "poster" sessions in addition to the full physician program of the conference and the workshops.