1st Acid-Base course
IFAD Acid-Base course
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1st ACID-BASE COURSE (Limited places during IFAD2018)
Date: Saturday, November 24th, 2018
Location: Amsterdam UMC, Location VUmc, De Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Room: TBA
Duration: Full Day 09:00 – 15:30
Pax: limited to a max of 50
Price: exceptionally low @ 150 EUR (meals and drinks included)
Comment: This workshop can only be booked in combination with attending the IFAD2018 meeting on Nov 23, 2018, at Pakhuis De Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Key words
- Become a better bedside doctor
- Never be surprised by your patient’s blood gas ever again
- Meet world-renown experts in the field
- Truly master acid-base at the bedside
- Supported by many interactive clinical cases
- Bicarbonate Rules, Base Excess, Stewart, Mixed approaches
Course Directors
Paul Elbers (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Frantisek Duska (Prague, Czech Republic), Thomas Langer (Milan, Italy)
Paul Elbers (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Frantisek Duska (Prague, Czech Republic), Thomas Langer (Milan, Italy), Niels van Regenmortel (Antwerp, Belgium), Pietro Caironi (Turin, Italy), Luciano Gattinoni (Gottingen, Germany)
Target Audience
This course is for you if you practice clinical medicine and if you frequently need to analyze blood gas results. This applies to consultants and residents in intensive care medicine, anesthesiology, emergency medicine and internal medicine. However, anyone with an interest in acid base medicine is welcome to attend.
Overview and objectives
The course will start by refreshing core topics in acid base medicine. Then we will quickly move towards full and complete understanding of acid base medicine. There is a strong focus on bedside clinical interpretation of blood gas results and the course is supported by real clinical cases throughout. Following completion of this course acid base medicine well be completely demystified to you and you will be able to solve the most complex acid base challenges at the bedside with ease.
Preliminary Program
09.30 Welcome, Outline and Objectives – Paul Elbers
09.40 Clinical Cases to warm you up – Thomas Langer
09.50 Principles of Gas Exchange – Pietro Caironi
10.20 Acid-Base Equilibrium – Luciano Gattinoni
11.00 The Blood Gas Analyzer – Frantisek Duska
11.15 Clinical Cases – All faculty members
12.00 Lunch
12.30 Respiratory derangements – Paul Elbers
12.50 Metabolic derangements – Niels van Regenmortel
13.10 Intravenous fluid therapy – Luciano Gattinoni
13.30 Metabolic acidosis: any role for alkalinizing agents – Frantisek Duska
13.50 Diuretics and acid-base alterations – Pietro Caironi
14.10 Cerebrospinal Fluid Acid Base – Thomas Langer
14.30 Break
14.45 Clinical cases – All faculty members
15.30 End of Course