Register for one day IFADmini during 16th WICC in Istanbul (August 27)
The International Fluid Academy will review recent advances in fluid management and hemodynamic and organ function monitoring in critical care at the IFADmini during WICC 2023. Gain an in-depth understanding of fluid therapy and its consequences in the care of critically ill patients. Besides, learn the use of technologies and tools to assess fluid responsiveness. Register now for the IFADmini Course.
on Friday, 18 August 2023.
Posted in iFADmini
Hits 13329
Mark the dates!
Due the global Corona and COVID19 pandemic the different IFADmini pop-up meetings in 2020 around the globe have been cancelled. The following meetings were planned in 2020 in Jakarta (Indonesia, April 6), Milano during SMART (Italy, May 28), Barcelona during ESA specialist society session (Spain, June 2), Krakau (Poland, June 5), Mexico city durine RECAT (Mexico, August 1-2), and Kuala Lumpur (Maleysia, Sep 6). We hope to organise them once global evolution and travelling allows us... Check our website for updates and stay safe!
on Monday, 10 February 2020.
Posted in iFADmini
Hits 19650
Everything you need to know about fluid therapy (#IFAD2018 #IFADmini)
Join us in India on december 23rd on the first Fluid Academy Day in India, organised by Supradip Ghosh. Everything you need to know about fluid therapy (#IFAD2018 #IFADmini)
on Wednesday, 19 December 2018.
Posted in iFADmini
Hits 16102
Full day modular point-of-care ultrasound course (Limited places during IFAD2018)
Join us for a full day course comprising of lectures, interactive sessions and practical hands-on time on various modalities of point-of-care ultrasound with experienced international faculty
on Thursday, 19 July 2018.
Posted in iFADmini, IFAD 2018
Hits 107399
Can we engineer a superfluid to replace human plasma?
Read further and find out whether or not the ideal intravenous plasma substitution fluid exists or not?
on Wednesday, 04 April 2018.
Posted in iFADmini, International Fluid Academy
Hits 34812