SO, YOU THINK YOU ARE A RESUSCITATIONIST...? (Victoria Brazil – @SocraticEM)
Every one needs to do reality check Brazil felt first like a resuscitationist about 20 years ago at a road accident = combination of CPR + fluids?
- So then another question could be what is a DE-resuscitationist?
- After initial resuscitation one needs to stop at some point…
Question yourself: are you good enough
Dunning-Kruger effect versus imposter syndrome
Difference between Perception or thus what is perceived and reality
- Eg time to intubation think 23 reality 49 sec = dunning-kruger effect
You need feedback + conversation = missing link
Tragedy + opportunity
Art of performance improvement
We are pretty good at assessing other people, but…
Giving feedback = hard
- be honest
- do it often
- we need to be experts at getting and extracting feedback: combination of art + science
- The Paramedics Guide to the Galaxy (By Paramedic Guide Team)
- See also by @emcrit: Scott Weingart: The Mind of the Resuscitationist
- slideshare.net. Scott weingart the mind of the resuscitationist
- intensivecarenetwork.com. smacc weingart the mind of the resuscitationist
- smacc.net.au. advice to a young resuscitationist it is up to us to save the world cliff reid
Publications by Brazil
- Top 10 ways to reconcile social media and 'traditional' education in emergency care.
Roland D, Brazil V.Emerg Med J. 2015 Oct;32(10):819-22. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2015-205024. Epub 2015 Aug 7.PMID: 26253148 - Past and future of emergency medicine education and training.
Brazil V. Emerg Med Australas. 2014 Feb;26(1):69-71. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12188. No abstract available. PMID: 24495065 - Pre-clinical medical students' perceptions of their patient safety skills in a simulated emergency department.
Raymond-Dufresne É, Brazil V, Johnson PL, Nielson TL. Emerg Med Australas. 2016 Jun;28(3):325-8. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12565. Epub 2016 Mar 15. PMID: 26992140
With demonstration of live PodCast!
- Daydreaming: You are often not aware
- Things are popping up
- People don’t think you are crazy because you are not saying them out loud
- 1 objective benefit from meditation
- how much of our life is cause and effect
- stimulus + response
- post hoc we justify why we got angry or why we acted in a specific way
Break the immediate connection => then you have the choice how to respond to a certain stimulus
- Mindfulness meditation
- = paying attention to your state of mind
- not judgementally
- to watch moment by moment
- as experience unfolds
- Contemplative meditation
- Stoicism
- Against negative emotions
- Negative visualisation: imagine your son lays dead in your arms 1 second a day (not during hours) => you are more happy with what you have
- It can always get worse so be happy
- Don’t take everything for granted
- = a mental reset every day to realise all your loved ones are still there
Life is short, exercise makes you life longer meditation makes you live better: Need to find Promotors vs detractors balance
- There is no age limit for kettlebells
- The mind palace by scott weingart (emcrit) Mind-Palace-Clip
- The Mind Palace Cycle (http://emcrit.org/podcasts/mind-palace/)
- Discovery
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Definition: The kettlebell or girya (Russian) is a cast-iron or cast steel weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. http://rkcblog.dragondoor.com/why-kettlebells-will-improve-your-life/